There are hundreds of RO antiscalants on the market, how do you go about picking the right chemistry for your system?
All RO systems are designed around one thing - the feed water the RO system will be purifying. Hydrovida believes in the same approach to its chemistries. The right choice in antiscalant always comes down to the impurities we will be treating in the feed water source. If you aren't sure where to start, contact us to help you get started at no cost or obligation!
All RO systems are designed around one thing - the feed water the RO system will be purifying. Hydrovida believes in the same approach to its chemistries. The right choice in antiscalant always comes down to the impurities we will be treating in the feed water source. If you aren't sure where to start, contact us to help you get started at no cost or obligation!
If you already have an idea where to start, we have a brief description of each of our workhorse antiscalants that are most commonly used in commercial and industrial settings.
Solutec Ca - The Hardness Specialist
Solutec Ca is a multicomponent scale inhibitor that contains varying different scale inhibitor components that stop or slow hardness based crystal formation. This includes calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, strontium sulfate and silica scale. Due to effectiveness and cost, Solutec Ca is Hydrovida's top selling antiscalant in the commerical and industrial market, and is very commonly used in well water sources, surface water sources and high hardness waters commonly found in the southwestern United States. The product data sheet for this product is listed below for more specific information on use, but contact us for specific dosing, pricing and availability.
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Solutec Si - The Silica Specialist
Solutec Si is a specially formulated scale inhibitor specifically for high silica waters. Water containing high amounts of silica are almost always observed on islands, where the volcanic geological makeup of the environment favors silica absorption into the ground water supply. Solutec Si is the best antiscalant on the market at solubilizing maximum amounts of silica for the highest recovery possible on your RO system. Silica is a monumentally tough scale to remove once precipitated, as it is essentially glass. Redissolving glass is a very arduous chemical process, so it is best to prevent this type of scale at all costs, as silica scale kills RO membrane flow with even just a scale layer that is microns thick. The product data sheet is listed below for further information, but please contact us for specific questions on dosing, pricing and product availability.
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Solutec Ci - The Phosphate and Sulfate Specialist
Solutec Ci is specifically formulated for waters containing high amounts of sulfate or waters containing phosphate. Phosphate is not typically a naturally occurring analyte in water, but is almost always present in wastewater applications. Phosphate complexes with hardness ions as calcium phosphate, and is extremely insoluble. The presence of phosphate in a RO feed water almost always makes a phosphate salt the primary scale observed on the RO membranes. Like phosphate, high sulfate water has a propensity to complex with calcium and hardness, forming calcium sulfate, which is a bulky, damaging scale to RO membranes. High sulfate waters are typically found in well water applications, and in areas such as Texas. The product data sheet is below for more information on this product. Please contact us directly for information on dosing, pricing and availability.
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Solutec Eco400 - The Biodegradable Antiscalant
Solutec Eco400 is one of, if not the only biodegradable RO antiscalants on the market. Solutec Eco400 is best used in desalination and seawater applications, as it is specially formulated for waters with high ionic strength. Solutec Eco400 is ideally used in island seawater or desalination applications, where discharge of phosphates or chemical components of other formulated antiscalants are harmful to wildlife and corals. For specific dosing, product availability and pricing please contact our support or sales teams directly. The product data sheet is shown below for further information and product specifications.
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Hydrovida has many other niche formulations for specific problematic solutes in water. Contact us today to discuss any specific problems your system might be experiencing. Our technical team has decades of experience in troubleshooting RO issues and optimizing RO chemistries.